Computer vision algorithms are not mere technical improvements but intervene in the common understanding of what an image is, what it can do and whether it can be trusted. These developments have been achieved by emulating algorithmically the ways humans see, interpret and produce images.
‘proprietary behavioral surplus’ and is fed into ‘machine intelligence’ manufacturing processes producing ‘predictions products’.
These ‘behavioral prediction products ’are sold in a new type of market: ‘behavioral futures market’ (Zuboff, 2019: 8).

"The positionings of the subjugated are not exempt from critical reexamination, decoding, deconstruction ,and interpretation; that is, from both semiological and hermeneutic modes of critical inquiry. The standpoints of the subjugated are not "innocent" positions. On the contrary, they are preferred because in principle they are least likely to allow denial of the critical and interpretive core of all knowledge. They are knowledgeable of modes of denial through repression, forgetting, and disappearing acts-ways of being nowhere while claiming to see comprehensively. The subjugated have a decent chance to be on to the god trick and all its dazzling-and, therefore, blinding-illuminations. "Subjugated" standpoints are preferred because they seem to promise more adequate, sustained, objective, transforming accounts of the world."
curating is less about participating in and witnessing histories unfold and more about platformleaders feeding on the people caught in the digital culture